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ABC Alumni is committed to a strong, independent, well-funded and effective public broadcaster.

We regularly consult our members and speak out publicly on a range of ABC-related issues. This can include making submissions to inquiries and reviews into the media as well as both supporting and constructively criticize the ABC.

We are fortunate in having regular access to senior managers and program makers at the ABC to hear first-hand of the opportunities and challenges facing the organisation, and we have been successful in raising issues directly with the highest levels of government.

Click on the links below to find out more about the ABC Alumni’s activities in these areas:


ABC News
ABC News is consistently ranked as the most trusted source of news in Australia, but despite that it regularly attracts critics from both the left and the right who accuse it of bias.
ABC Programs and Content
The challenges facing the ABC when it comes to producing original, high quality Australian content are significant and growing.
ABC International
Funding and resources for the ABC’s international coverage have been under pressure and successive Governments have failed to properly support the ABC’s vital role in this area.
ABC Independence
As a public broadcaster, it is essential that the independence and integrity of the ABC is defended against the regular threats against it.
ABC Funding
A well-funded and efficiently-run ABC is vital to Australia’s democracy. For at least 40 years, the ABC has endured funding cuts and freezes.
General Media Issues
While the primary role of the ABC Alumni is to support a strong, relevant and effective ABC, it will also from time to time make comments on broader media issues such as defamation laws and freedom of the press.