Bobbie Mackley: Western Australia
Bobbie Mackley was an ABC staffer in Perth from 1980 till her retirement in 2010, and has spent nearly 40 years barracking for the ABC and for ABC staff. In 1991 she joined the WA committee of the then ABC Staff Association, later holding leadership roles in the CPSU’s ABC Section, first as secretary and then president of the ABC WA Delegates’ Committee. Later she was CPSU Section Councillor (national delegate) for WA (1997-2010) and served a three-year term in the honorary role of CPSU WA State President. She is a CPSU Life Member. Post retirement, Bobbie has continued her support for the ABC (and for related issues such as freedom of the press) as WA President of ABC Friends WA (2012-2022) and as Inaugural Secretary of ABC Friends National (2014-2022), having played a critical role in the latter’s establishment. Bobbie is pleased to have the opportunity to contribute to the efforts of ABC Alumni to secure a properly funded and independent national broadcaster, and is particularly concerned with the ongoing down-scaling of the ABC’s capital city centres.